South West Coach Lines provides coach services travelling to and from South Regional Tafe Bunbury campus every day throughout the school year.
When do services operate?
Services operate Monday to Friday from Margaret River, Dunsborough, Busselton and surrounding regions.
Am I eligible?
Students are required to provide proof of enrolment and complete an application to confirm eligibility to receive subsidised travel with South West Coach Lines.
Students who can answer YES to all the questions below are invited to apply.
- Do you live outside of the TransBunbury service area and within South West Coach Lines regional service area? (i.e. Margaret River, Dunsborough, Busselton or surrounding township)
- Have you turned 17 years of age before 2025 (not including 2025).
- Are you enrolled as a full-time student; part-time student; apprentice or trainee?
- Are you an Australian resident?
How do I apply?
If you have answered yes to all of the above questions please complete the 2025 Student Bus Travel Subsidy Application.
What is the cost?
Approved students are entitled to subsidised daily fare. This fare is payable in advance for each day students access the bus service to travel to or from their training organisation.
A daily fare available to approved students is determined by the Department of Training and Workforce Development and derived from comparable transport costs for students in the metropolitan region.
Upon approval we invite you to to Contact Us for further assistance with purchasing a pass to suit your circumstances.
How do I book a ticket?
Once your application is approved, a member portal will be setup for you to purchase tickets online, tickets can also be purchased by calling the SWCL Bookings Team on 08 9753 7700.
What are the Terms of Travel?
Apprentices or trainees who apply for this service will not be eligible for The Department of Training and Workforce Development Travel and Accommodation Allowance.
Applications may take up to ten working days to process from date of receipt.
Students will be required to pay for the use of transport services if their application has been declined or if services utilised without express approval.
South West Coach Lines reserves the right to recover travel costs should services be utilised without appropriate subsidy approval.
All information collected is subject to our Privacy Policy and may be shared with other agencies for the purposes of qualifying enrolment and eligibility status.